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What is this?

Images intersect with other images via keywords  
Something that both Searcher & Cataloger must keep in mind

Choose a keyword to describe the image on the left and see how it intersects!

The word "falling" could mean many things


Falling leaves, falling in love, falling from heaven, falling water, tripping and falling, falling while skydiving

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The word "moon" connects many disparate images


As in moon cactus, as in moon on halloween, as in there is a moon somewhere in the image, as in moon landing


The word "Italian" can also bring up a variety of associations


Italian food, Italian architecture, Catholicism, the country of Italy, Ancient Rome, the Italian language, the Italian people


The word "illustration" is wide-ranging & varied in its visual meaning 


The verb or the noun, digital or manual, professional or casual, of a landscape or a narrative, the possibilities are endless

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